LED Vs LCD: LCD Vs LED: Which one Wins?

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What is the question in the LCD vs. LED debate? Quality versus price and mobility are the two
main champs in the debate and both are evident in Samsung's current lineup of Samsung HD
LCD tv models and Samsung LED tv models.
LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) utilizes liquid crystal "panels" that manipulate ambient light to
produce a picture. To be clearer on the subject, these are not huge panels like you would think,
but very small ones. In the absence of ambient, or "room light," LCD TVs have to use back
lighting. The downside is that these panels are not capable of completely blacking out the back
lighting for optimum contrast. In other words, if it's midnight at the POW camp on your TV, the guy
trying to escape might be a little "fuzzy" around the edges. What's more, your "midnight black" will
most likely look a little purple because the crystals can't completely block out the light needed to
show our hero on the screen. Samsung HD LCD TV eliminates this by having developed a system
of software and a screen "polarizer" that cuts back on bleed-over light, thus giving a blacker black.
LED (Light Emitting Diode) is nearly a throwback to the old school "tube" TVs. Instead of using
three colored proton guns though, HDTV LED TVs use very small LED lights. The same type you
use in that nifty wind-up flashlight you got for Father's Day. (Or not-tell your kids you want one if
you don't know what one is.) The up-side of Samsung LED TVs is that the blacks are blacker. The
reason for this is that when a light is out, it is out. There is no bleed over from the light next to it.
Thus you have a blacker, more clearly defined picture. LED TV uses four colored lights; two green,
one blue and one red. Using different combinations of this lighting produces your color spectrum.
This blows out the competing LCDs by allowing more vivid color. Samsung HD LCD TV
compromised on this when they began installing LED lights for backlighting and it paid off. The
product was the color range of LCD with the blackness capability of LED.
Both types suffer from motion blurring, but LCD has lost this war battle marginally-especially at the
HD level. The three most common causes for this are:
- Pixels move faster than color can respond.
- The speed of the movie-what speed it was shot in
- The human eye's ability to track speed
The new series of Samsung LCD flat panel addresses this and using a combination of software
and firmware, they've been able to increase their refresh rate by four times. In other words, it
would be the difference between a flip book and a 35mm home movie projector. Or for the
younger generation, it's the same as getting four times the frame rate.
The big differences between LCD and LED are price. Because of it being a newer technology,
LED tends to be pricier than LCDs and a bit lighter. Samsung HD LCD TV offers an alternative
that is cheaper than LED, has better quality than many traditional LCDs of competitors.
For a review of the complete line of Samsung LCDs check out the Samsung LCDHD page or for a
review of the Samsung LED lineup check out the Samsung LED page at
The Family Home Theater Guide is an informative guide to home theater, with a particular
emphasis on family entertainment with information and reviews on home theater equipment and
design ideas for the perfect home theater.
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