Chickweed - A Little Known Herb That You Should Know About

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Chickweed is a small herbal plant that can be found growing in throughout the temperate and
arctic zones the world over. It is a succulent plant with white flowers and green leaves that kind of
look like mouse ears. Chickweed plants are also known for sleeping at night, folding in their tender
buds and new shoots. All varieties of the plant are edible with a taste somewhat akin to spinach.
They are used as a side dish, added to salads and oftentimes cooked in stews and roasts. The
chickweed is also used as a dried herb that displays many medicinal values.
Medicinal Uses

Chickweed is full of many beneficial vitamins and minerals including Vitamin C, calcium,
magnesium and potassium. Many herbalists like to use the dried plant as a form of green tea that
can help relieve internal pain and even staunch stomach and bowel bleeding. When taking
internally, it also serves as a good tonic for the circulatory system, helping pull toxins out of the
blood and dissolve plaque in the blood vessels. It is also believed to have an overall cleansing
effect on the body which in turn helps boost the immune system and increases energy.
Chickweed tea is also said to be effective at helping to dissolve fatty tumors, removing them from
the body. With fat in general, Chickweed is said to be very effective as both a fat burner and an
appetite suppressant. It has become a popular addition to much herbal based fat burning

Chickweed can also be used as an ointment, and once applied, it helps relieve pain, bring down
swelling and encourage the healing process. It is a properly addition to poultices for torn
ligaments, working especially well with aloe juice, which helps it penetrate the skin and reach the
damage areas bringing relief from pain.
To make Chickweed tea:
Dry chickweed is available at many health food stores, but you can also used fresh chickweed if
you find some growing around your yard (which is very possible). Seep one tablespoon of dry
chickweed or two tablespoons of fresh chickweed in boiling water for ten minutes. Drink ½ cup
right away and save the rest for a later on the day. Two to four small cups of this tea a day can
help cleanse the body, shed fad and boost immunity.

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