How to Get Rid of Pink Eye

Pink eye (medically known as conjunctivitis) is a medical condition in which the conjunctiva (the inner membranes of the eyelid and the outermost layer of the eyes) become inflamed. Pink eye can occur due to several reasons: bacterial or viral infection, exposure to contaminants or chemicals, allergic reaction to something or even chlamydia.

The good news is that pink eye isn't really a cause of concern. Some forms of pink eye are highly contagious, but are nothing that a few hygienic practices cannot stem. Because conjunctivitis usually resolves itself after a week or so, heavy medical treatment is not necessary; in some cases, it can actually prolong the condition. That having been said, you can do several things to get rid of - or just ease - your pink eye condition.

If you have allergic pink eye, find the allergens and get rid of them. Much like allergic reactions, allergic pink eye is caused by reactions to allergens around you. They can be pollen, dust or animal dander. The usual suspects are the things that are small enough to get into your eye at any time of the day.

The first thing you should do is identify which allergens are causing the problem, if that's possible. You can do this by process of elimination: try to remember where you've been or what new things you did prior to contracting pink eye. Have you gone to a new place recently? Have you engaged in activities in which you were exposed to new things? These are just some of the questions you can start with in order to identify allergens. Just remember that the allergens have to be small to actually get in your eye, unless you've been actively introducing foreign things into them, such as a new brand of contacts or eye drops.

If you have identified the source of the allergen, remove the object from your area. If it's a cat, for example, then you could give it to a friend. However, if the source is something that is not movable (for example, a neighbor's plant that emits some kind of pollen), then try to get away from the object's immediate area, if possible.

You can also use normal antihistamines coupled with Ibuprofen if you feel like you're contracting allergic pink eye often. Since allergic reactions are caused by your body releasing histamines to counteract the foreign object that enters your body, antihistamines are there to counteract them. Antihistamines are drugs that block the actions of histamine, lessening the severity of the allergic reaction.

For chemical pink eye, stay away from the source of pollutants. Pink eye can be caused by chemicals and pollutants like smoke, industrial waste or sprays of any kind. Immediately wash your eyes with running water to remove remaining traces of the contaminants. Stay away from cigarette smoke, as it tends to irritate your eyes and exacerbate your condition more. Contact your eye doctor or physician immediately to have your eye checked. Even if you're sure the contaminants are safe, any chemical substances that enter the eye should be looked at. The eye is a sensitive organ and requires extreme care.

Consult with a physician if it's viral pink eye. Like most viral conditions, there is no way to completely get rid of viral pink eye. You will just have to let it run its course. However, like chemically-caused pink eye, you should have viral pink eye checked by a physician. This form of pink eye is sometimes associated with corneal infection. There is also a chance that a secondary infection might occur due to your weakened immune system, so the doctor might prescribe antibiotics.

For the most part, you will have to ride the condition out. Remember, however, that viral pink eye is a highly contagious form of conjunctivitis, so as much as possible, avoid contact with anyone else or you will risk spreading the disease to others.

Use warm treatments to get rid of bacterial pink eye. Usually, the discharge you get when waking up in the morning while having pink eye is caused by bacteria. In order to get rid of this type of pink eye, repeatedly apply warm washcloths on each eye. Do not use your hands to remove the discharge, unless you have sufficiently washed them beforehand. You do not want to risk introducing more bacteria to your eyes and worsening the condition.

Use antibiotic ointment or eye drops to get rid of the bacteria in the eyes. Make sure that the medication is prescribed by the doctor. Don't use any medication that was prescribed to someone else, even if it was also for their pink eye condition. Their medication might not be appropriate for your condition, or they may have contaminated it during their treatment.

See your physician for further examination. First, he or she will be able to give you the exact antibiotic you need. Second, if you're experiencing other symptoms like a cough or a runny nose, chances are good that they are caused by the same bacteria and thus, the doctor will be able to give you oral antibiotics to go with your antibiotic eye drops. Lastly, your doctor will be able to check whether the bacterial infection has spread to the other parts of your body.

Don't use contacts for the duration of pink eye. As much as possible, do not introduce any foreign objects to your eyes. First, they may contain bacteria and viruses that will not help your present condition. Second, they will irritate your already irritated eyes, exacerbating its condition. Third, if it's a viral or bacterial pink eye, it will be very contagious, so you will run the risk of spreading the disease.

Wash your hands regularly. This is a two-fold tip: it can get rid of the bacteria that spread to your hands the moment they make contact with your eyes, and it can also prevent any other bacteria from transferring from your hands to your eyes. Frequent hand washing will lessen the risk of you spreading the condition.

Most pink eye conditions will be gone in ten days or so. During that time, do not share anything else with anyone. Throw tissues away after you use them. Pink eye is not really dangerous, merely uncomfortable, so take your time to make sure you're fully healed.

Want to know more? You can read more tips on How to get rid of Pink Eye, plus information to get rid of practically anything else that ails you - from bad breath to telemarketers to cellulite - at

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