Amazing Health Benefits of Black Tea

Most people think of black tea as that drink you order when you don't want coffee. This drink also has caffeine in it, although the caffeine in this beverage is better processed by your body than that of coffee. This is just one of the benefits of black tea.
I grew up in Britain where drinking tea with milk was given to me by my parents since I was a child. We all drank it. If visitors or neighbors came knocking at the door, this is what they were offered. If there was a tragedy in the family, someone would make a pot of tea. When I woke up, my father would bring me a cup to start my day and I still start my day with this. Therefore drinking tea became associated with comfort of all descriptions, a great way to start your day and a pick-me-up in the afternoon of if you were tired. A true cure-all for all occasions.
Black tea is actually fermented green tea. When tea was first brought to Britain from China, it was green and as the journey those days took a very long time, it often arrived moldy. By fermenting the green tea leaves, it was protected and it tasted different too. Darjeeling, Orange Pekoe, Irish Breakfast, Ceylon and Assam are all varieties of black tea.
Much has been written about the benefits of black tea. For example, it stimulates blood flow to the brain in a natural manner without stressing the body. It's good for clarity and concentration. It can be a good digestive aid. In Britain meals often end with a nice cuppa. It can lower cholesterol and can even prevent tooth decay. Some studies recommend the drink as reducing the risk of heart attacks and strokes. It may be good for people with diabetes as it can help reduce the levels of glucose in the blood. Some people recommend it as it can help to burn off fat and increase metabolism.
It tastes great and the only negative effect I personally have is to be careful to clean my teeth as black tea (just like black coffee) can stain your teeth.
So give this wonderful drink a try and introduce it to your family. The are so many benefits of black tea and it tastes really nice and is a much milder taste, which is why even children like it.
To find out the more about Benefits of Black Tea and why it deserves a place in your home, visit

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