Kelp Supplements for You, and How It Can Improve Your Health
What are Kelp Supplements?
Kelp is seaweed belonging to the brown algae category. Existing throughout the world's oceans, Kelp generally tends to be in shallower depths, and grows in abundance. There are kelp forests in the oceans flourishing with this wonderful plant.
Kelp contains high amounts of iodine, and has been used to combat against goiter. Goiter is an enlargement of the Thyroid gland caused by lack of iodine. Kombu is a form of kelp very popular in eastern Asian countries like Japan where it is a staple food. Kelp is used in soaps, candies, ice cream, and many other products because of its alkali properties.
Benefits of Kelp
Kelp can be used as a salt substitute. It is naturally salty, and can be eaten raw. However most people, I included use it as a seasoning or as a supplement added to smoothies, or other health drinks. Besides its high amounts of Iodine, kelp contains a good amount of vitamins, mainly the B-Vitamins. It's great for the nervous system, hair loss, obesity (because it prevents fat absorption), and also radiation poisoning.
How to use it, and where to find it
Kelp supplements can be purchased at any health food store. It can be purchased by itself, in powdered, and granule form. Some companies even make kelp tablets, liquid kelp, kelp thyroid formulas, blah, blah. I use the granule form of Kelp, always remember to keep it simple. Some tips on purchasing kelp; make sure it comes from a pristine part of the ocean, and not one where pollution is likely. Most products will advertise that there kelp is derived from pollution free waters.
Different forms of Kelp
Kelp like other plants comes in different forms, or types. Giant Kelp, Kombu, and bull head Kelp are some of the more common forms. The different types are dependent on what part of the world the Kelp is usually harvested, whether Asia, North Atlantic, Pacific, etc...
Kelp the Superfood
Why we don't eat Kelp in America escapes my understanding. On many beaches it washes up in plentiful amounts. It's a food source which will likely never be depleted, and contains an assortment of nutrients, vitamins, and trace elements needed by our bodies.
The evidence to its health benefits is overwhelming, and it's been documented for use in diseases like goiter for over a hundred years. The Chinese, and Japanese eat it faithfully, and have healthier, longer lifespans with fewer incidents than most Americans.
But too much of anything is bad for you even too much Kelp
Eating too much kelp can lead to an overactive thyroid. The high amount of iodine is too much for the body to handle, and causes the thyroid gland to work overtime producing too much thyroid hormone resulting in weight loss, insomnia, mood swings, hair loss, and more.
The Conclusion: Kelp should be consumed regularly for good health, and is a great substitute for salt. Kelp supplements can be found in just about all health food stores, and is inexpensive because there is so much of it in our oceans. If you have goiter or an underactive thyroid adding kelp to your diet can help with these conditions, and also if you're attempting to lose weight.
To learn more about nutritional supplements and how they can be used to improve your health visit
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