Healing Crystals - Amethysts

A methyst is the purple variety of quartz and is one of the most popular gemstones. They have been sought after by Royalty throughout the ages as symbols of wisdom, Strength and Confidence. In addition to Royalty, the amethyst's luminous quality, its spectacular play of light, and its role as a protective stone meant they were also worn by bishops.

Amethysts form from quartz, and are mined from many locations around the world. One of the chief sources of supply for amethysts is Brazil. Some Brazilian amethysts can be found in cavities within in a black volcanic rock (melaphyre) whilst others can be found as pebbles in the river gravels amongst other minerals as companions. Traditionally included in the most valuable gemstones (along with diamonds, sapphires, rubies, and emeralds), amethyst's haves lost much of their value due to the discovery of extensive deposits in the Brazilian locations. Today, due to this plentiful supply, amethyst's have become a lovely and affordable gemstone that is fortunately available in a wide variety of cut and uncut stones that we can all possess and admire.

Amethyst is one gemstone that is believed to have many metaphysical properties that are favorable to human beings, with crystal healing therapists saying that the amethyst has a sobering and cleansing effect on the body and calming qualities which allows the stone to be associated with peace. Amethyst can also assist with the reduction of addictive behaviours, such as alcohol, drugs, smoking and other compulsive type behaviours. It has been known to have a relieving effect on stress, grief, depression and emotional despair.

Amethyst is associated with water. Energies seem to flow easily through it. It is a wonderful meditation and healing crystal.

A diverse range of amethysts and amethyst jewellery are available at http://WholesaleCrystalsOnline.com at excellent prices, including necklaces, bracelets, pendants, crystals and many other types of healing crystals.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Shelley_Allen
