What Are Healing Crystals?

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Natural crystal can be called healing crystals and are used to refresh and rejuvenate the body's natural energy. Whilst scientists have studied crystals they do not yet understand all that they can do, and whilst there is no scientific proof that crystals do anything, reports exists from thousands of years ago detailing the healing properties of crystal. crystal healers believe that healing crystals make changes to the body's energy systems clearing "blockages" and restoring energy flow and balance. There a many kinds of crystal each with a different structure and/or color. Each type is related to different energy, and can help with various emotions or physical problems facing an individual. It should be noted that the only harm you can come to using healing crystals is by not consulting a qualified health professional.

The three crystal stones that everyone should have are Rose quartz, amethyst and hematite, Rose quartz is for unconditional love be it of yourself or others, amethyst is for balancing and hematite is for invoking peace and calm in your life. Other crystals may help you with a particular trial or ailment, but these are probably always going to be around.

Crystals for healing are thought to have vibration energy and placing them on particular parts of the body causes them to drain away any negative energy that may be there, thus opening the body's own energies and promoting well being. A crystal healer will often place healing stones on the Chakras which are the defined in Eastern religions as the energy centers of the body. The Chakras are often given a color that corresponds to the colors of the crystal that is thought to relate most closely to that area of the body or emotions. healing with crystals usually involves having specific healing stones placed on and around your body.

How do you use crystal in your everyday life?

Well the quickest and easiest way is to go to a crystal shop and choose the ones that appeal to you. Oddly enough these are usually the ones that you need the most, it is almost as if the crystal choose you! Once you have a selection of stones just keep them near you. You can carry them in your pockets or wear them around you neck or just place them around where you work or sit. Notice if over a period of time you feel calmer or more positive. Try it out for yourself.

For more information on healing crystals, please visit me at A Glass Of It's Own.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Angelica_Parker
