Simple Sore Throat Home Remedies

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Sore throat appears unpredictably and sometimes can really hinder our productivity at work. The following is a list of home made remedies you can consider as you try to fight the sore throat

1. Make some tea using grated ginger and water. Add 1/2 teaspoon of ground Cayenne pepper and cook this all up. It is advisable to stir the solution because the pepper may settle. This remedy is also very good for coughs and can be taken before bedtimes when you have a cold

2. Gently lick a spoon of Minooka Honey of at least 15+ to 18+ UMF. The sore throat will go before the end of the day. It works well with even the worst and most painful sore throats. Good luck as you try this one out.

3. Try pure squeezed lemon juice. Lemon contains citric acid which can help relieve the swollen parts.

4. Aspergum solution. This gum has aspirin which is an antibacterial agent.

5. Take a shot of whisky or tequila with a little bit of honey to knock out the taste. Let it sit in the back of your throat for 10-15 seconds and then swallow.

6. Take lemon tea and chamomile, then mix it with honey and lemon. Boil the solution and then gently sip it.

7. Prepare a cup of beet juice and add two tablespoons of honey. Mix the solution and heat it for about one minute. Drink this solution gently for about fifteen minutes.

8. Go in to the bathroom and close the door. Then turn on the tap as hot as it can get. Afterwards inhale the steam being produced.

9. Try taking probiotics. Take the capsule and split it to take the powder portion out into a small cup. Add about 4 ounces of water and start gargling. Make sure you don't taste the probiotics and in a matter of minutes the problem will be solved

10. Take a peroxide cup and ensure you pour the same into cap of Listerine. Fill the rest of said with Listerine and do the gargling until finished. Do this once in the morning and once before bed. This can relieve pain and help get rid of your sore.

11. Try heating milk and add a tea spoon of butter and honey then sprinkle a pinch of sugar.

12. Take a glass of regular vinegar and gargle it all Get it as far back into the throat as possible without swallowing. Do this continually till the pain goes away.

13. Slice some garlic into thin slices. Try sucking on them, and slowly slide them down into your throat and finally swallow them. This solution may burn your throat but its worth while trying

In conclusion, a quick sore throat remedy that most people use is trying to brush their mouth a little deeper than usual. This would remove any residue that lies in the mouth.

Are you looking for cure on Sore Throat? Here at our site, you can find information and tips on swollen throat sore?

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