Weight Loss with Chinese Herbs
Chinese herbs can be used to influence the body's metabolism in different ways. Most people who need to lose weight would like to have their metabolism run more efficiently. There are a number of herbs that can help people in their quest for a healthier, more efficient metabolism in order to ensure that any efforts to lose weight are blessed with success. There are three types of herbs that can assist people trying to lose weight. The first type of herb is the type that "transforms phlegm" in Chinese medicine terminology. These herbs can help the body to process fats more efficiently and prevent the accumulation of unhealthy fats and fluids in the body. Some herbs in this class that may assist weight loss include citrus aurantium, immature citrus peel, and magnolia bark. Glechoma and hawthorn berry can also help by "transforming phlegm".
Citrus Aurantium contains synephrine, which has been shown to have fat-burning properties in research done at McGill University in Montreal. It improves the thermogenesis of brown fatty tissue in the body, which is generally the fat that is the most difficult to burn off. Citrus Aurantium does not have any negative impact on the nervous system like ephedra does. Speaking of ephedra, I do not recommend its use for dieting. Chinese medicine has traditionally used it for severe and acute conditions, such as asthma attacks. It is not intended to be used as a dieting tool or to get a high. These uses can leave a person ultimately more fatigued and adrenal-depleted in the end. Citrus Aurantium is an infinitely safer option for those interested in weight loss.
Other herbs that can help boost metabolic function are herbs that increase the qi and yang energy of the body. This class of herbs includes ginseng, astragalus, and atractylodes. Other herbs in this category include ginger, cinnamon, epimedium and eucommia bark. These herbs can also give a person an energy boost. This can encourage the person to remain consistent with his or her exercise routine. These herbs also encourage healthy digestion and generally make a person's metabolism run faster and more efficiently. This group of herbs can be particularly helpful for those people whose weight tends to accumulate around the abdomen.
Detoxifying, bitter herbs are another class of herbs that can assist with weight loss. These herbs tend to reduce inflammatory, acidic conditions in the body that often trigger the cravings people have for inordinate quantities of unhealthy food. These herbs are particularly useful in people who tend to have voracious appetites for spicy, oily, and sweet foods. They also may have a tendency towards acne or oily skin, and a slightly reddish, or ruddy complexion. These herbs include Chinese rhubarb, coptis, and scute.
Other herbs can be used to control and balance out the emotional conditions that trigger overeating. People who find themselves eating out of stress, sadness, depression, anxiety, or PMS can find that these herbs balance out their emotional life and reduce their cravings for food. These herbs include magnolia bark, bupleurum root, mint, zizyphus and biota seeds, and longan fruit.
Other supplements that can assist in a healthy weight loss program are kelp, apple cider vinegar, vitamin B6, and flaxseed oil. Drinking green tea regularly can also be quite helpful.
It is important to remember that all of these supplements are beneficial for promoting weight loss because they promote a healthy metabolism, a healthy energy level, a healthy digestion, and a healthy mental attitude, but that dietary and lifestyle changes are crucial in order to see the results that you want. Nevertheless, Chinese Medicine can be a great ally in the quest to shed pounds more efficiently.
Dr. Farah Khan, DOM is a Doctor of Oriental Medicine practicing in Albuquerque, New Mexico. She offers information and products related to different health conditions at her web site at [http://www.yinessence.com/home.htm]/>, including FormuSlim and Citrus Aurantium for weight loss. She can be reached at farah@yinessence.com.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Farah_Khan