Almonds Are Wonder Nuts

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Almonds enjoy an enviable status in the field of food. It is believed that they are good for the brain and enhance fertility. They are rich in iron, zinc, magnesium and potassium. In addition, they contain calcium which is essential for the human body in building strong bones.

The almond plant is related to the peach and the plum. It is believed to have originated in Central Asia. Since then, it has spread to every corner of the globe. Did you know that the Romans had the tradition of throwing almonds on the newly weds in order to enhance fertility. Nowadays, Americans present guests at weddings with a bag of candied almonds which signifies happiness, romance, children and good health.

Today's trend is to opt for organic raw almonds which have amazing health benefits. They contain negligible amounts of saturated fats yet lots of protein and calcium which help the formation of strong bones. They also contain phytochemicals which keep cancer and cardio-vascular disease at bay. Consuming these wonder nuts helps stabilize blood cholesterol levels and controls weight gain. You always feel full and satisfied when eating them which keeps you from overeating.

Did you know almond contains rhizveritrol, which is an anti-inflammatory agent? They are very nutritious and contain most of the essential nutrients your body needs. They supply the daily need of protein and vitamin E which is a great anti-oxidant. Eating almonds regularly helps prevent osteoporosis. Folic acid is present in almonds as well which is the reason pregnant women are asked to eat them daily.

The phosphorous in almonds aids in the development of strong bones and teeth. Doctors recommend that kids eat these regularly. It bolsters their growth and provides much needed immunity. Kids who may not eat them raw are likely to savor candied or roasted ones which provide most of the benefits.

For several years they were regarded as fattening, but studies indicate that eating almonds in moderation results in weight loss. This is an easy and healthy way to help you lose weight. Hence you should include at least 20 per day in your diet. Almonds contain a great deal of protein and negligible amounts of carbohydrates. This makes them perfect for diabetics and pre-diabetics. According to traditional Chinese
medicine this nut is anti-spasmodic and used as tonic.

Almonds are available either plain, blanched, spiced, covered or smoked. Many chocolates contain them which are happily devoured by children and adults alike. Try the almond M&Ms. Cinnamon almonds are quite tasty as well. Indeed they are natures wonder nut and are a wonderful food and source of energy for your daily life.

Buy your almonds from the restaurant supply superstore.

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