Cure for Shingles
Shingles is a patch of painful blisters that appear on one side of the body. These blisters are filled with fluid. These blisters are caused by the varicella-zoster virus, a virus from the herpes family causes chicken pox in us. Shingles may cause permanent damage to vision and hearing capability in some cases. If shingles is found near the eyes and ears it should be treated immediately.
Severe pain on the areas of the blisters is experienced by most of the people who are affected by shingles. This severe pain can be treated by gentle touch or air on the shingles. They can arrange for the gentle flow of air as a part of the shingle treatment to reduce the pain caused by shingles. Medications used in curing shingles during the initial stages of the outbreak is to reduce the pain and the impact of shingles after the rashes have gone. Medicines used for cure includes acyclovir (Zovirax), famciclovir (Famvir), or valacyclovir (Valtrex). These medicines are used to reduce the pain and discomfort that is caused by shingles.
The homepathic medicines that are used in shingles cure are Causticum, Hypericum, Phytolaca, Rhus Tox, Ran Bub, Variolinum, Anthracinum, Carbo Animalis, Arnica, and Agaricum. Herbs like Hypericum perforatum are used in preparing herbal medicines for shingles cure. The other herbs that are used in preparing medicines for shingles cure are Avena sativa, Scutellaria laterifolia, Artemisia vulgaris, and Echinacea.
Shingles is the formation of a patch of blisters along the sides of the body. This patch may be in the form of a belt of blisters in the body, which are filled with fluids. This is caused by the varicella zoster virus. Hence shingles treatment means treating this virus. Actually there is no defined shingles treatment available for the complete cure of shingles. Shingles treatment available now-a-days are to reduce the impact of shingles on our body.
There are lots of anti-viral medications available to treat this virus as a part of shingles treatment. This shingles treatment help in reducing the complications after the impact of shingles on our body. During the shingles treatment using the above medicines, these medications are taken three to five times a day for seven to ten days at a stretch. In any case treatment for shingles must be done with the help of a medical practitioner.
Visit : Shingles symptoms treatment or Shingles Alternative Treatment to learn more about shingles cure.
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