What Are Some Effective Natural Herbs For ADHD in Children?
If your child has ADHD, selecting the best treatment may be hard, and it will be even harder if you know the problems associated with the standard medications used for this condition, such as Ritalin. The risks of these drugs are the reason that many parents are looking at other options like natural herbs for ADHD.
Though there are children who are responding well to standard ADHD prescription drugs, it doesn't change the fact that the Food and Drug Administration has stated there could be safety issues. If you're having doubts, then a natural approach to ADHD treatment may be in order. It would definitely be a good idea to think about diet changes as well as ADHD herbal medication.
ADHD and Diet Considerations
Amongst natural health providers it's no secret that food allergies may play a significant part with a child's symptoms. Some foods may cause allergic reactions and are therefore not digested properly. Through this, the essential nutrients from those foods are not absorbed into the body.
Rather it has been found that those undigested pieces of food stay in the body, and this causes the immune system to activate. This is what is known as an autoimmune response, and some would believe that it's somewhat to blame for certain ADHD symptoms like agitation, impulsiveness, hyperactivity and short attention span.
It has been found a lot of the time that getting rid of such food will tone down the ADHD symptoms. There is no conclusive evidence that this actually works, but that doesn't mean that it shouldn't be given some thought and actually tried.
Along with getting rid of those foods, make sure that your child's diet is rich in quality proteins, vegetables, and complex carbs. Many parents have been successful in curbing their child's ADHD symptoms just by watching what their child eats along with adding natural herbs for ADHD.
ADHD Herbal Medication and Homeopathic Remedies
You may find that herbals and homeopathic remedies help quite a bit, and they are a great addition to a diet alterations you may choose to make. They will be yet another tool in the anti-ADHD arsenal and may benefit your child greatly. Natural remedies have always been present in our world, and this has been so long before the pharmacy came into play. Many clinical trials have also shown that these remedies are quite effective.
As far as the hyperactivity goes, you will find that there are herbs that can help, such as Skullcap, Chamomile, Gotu Cola, Ginkgo, Biloba, and Rooibos, which have actually been proven clinically to help with ADHD and are a recognized herbal treatment. These herbs will help the brain and nervous system out greatly. Some parents have been able to use a homeopathic treatment in conjunction with these herbs, and have actually had some success.
You may find that natural herbs for ADHD take time to work, and it may be several weeks before anything seems to happen. For this reason, it's important to make sure that you stay vigilant, and that you stick with the plan that you choose. If you want more solutions, then you might wish to speak to a natural health care provider as they will be able to provide you with many answers, and possibly even more remedies.
Max Wardlow writes from experience about ADHD and helps manage a website about natural remedies. Visit today to find out more about natural herbs for ADHD.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Max_Wardlow