Health Benefits of Juicing Fruits and Vegetables
When you squeeze fruits and vegetables with a juicing machine, the fluids are detached from the fiber giving out a strong blend of flavors, phytochemicals, minerals and color. The resultant mixture from juicing makes the nutrients and the protective compounds of fruits and vegetables better absorbed than they would be from raw food.
In addition, juicing has been known to boost the immune system, help in removing toxins from the body, eases digestion, reduces the risk of cancer and aids in weight loss. Juicing, unlike cooking and processing, ensures that the micronutrients from fruits and vegetables are not destroyed by alteration of their chemical composition.
Incorporating juicing into your health program is essential in enhancing the absorption of nutrients from the vegetables. Conventional feeding habits can impair our digestive systems which inhibits our bodies' ability to absorb all the essential nutrients from fruits and vegetables.
Juicing will make these nutrients more absorbable in the digestive system. Additionally, juicing will allow you to ingest an optimal quantity of fruits and vegetables in an easy and efficient way. Most people diets are invariably accompanied by the same vegetable salads on a daily basis. Juicing will thus help you add a wide spectrum of vegetables to your diet.
Juicing of raw vegetables and fruits allows you to drink more quantities of vegetable than you could easily eat. The resultant fresh produce not only allows you to absorb vitamins and antioxidants more easily but also helps in alleviating immune disorders, high blood pressure as well as skin diseases. Juices should be taken while still fresh before they lose both their flavor and nutritional value.
The best juice should have a variety of fruits and vegetables including lemon, celery, kale and cucumber. Other vegetables that you could add to your juicing ingredients are ginger, romaine lettuce and parsley.
It is recommended that a beginner should start off with what they like. It helps to start with more vibrant colors in your juices. As you get accustomed, reduce the percentage of fruit and add to the amounts of greens and vegetables. For instance, you may start making juice blends containing pink grapefruit, carrot juice and pear and gradually move to green juice blends rich in romaine lettuce, kale, cucumber and celery.
Since juicing leaves out the pulpy part of fruits which is rich in fiber, blending to make smoothies and creams can help in getting more benefits of whole fruits and vegetables. The smoothie blending reserves the fiber and gives an extra boost of phytochemicals, minerals and vitamins that can be found on the fruit pith and skin. You may also consider blending up your juices with milk or yogurt to add up some calcium.
There are a number of ingredients that you can add to your juice to make it tastier and palatable. Cranberries are excellent for juices. In addition to improving the flavor in your juice, cranberries have a high content of antioxidants and thus are good in preventing incidences of stroke, heart disease and cancer.
Ginger is also a great addition and it gives your juice a delightful taste. Ginger has extra benefits in alleviating cardiovascular diseases and atherosclerosis. Other additions you might consider for your juice include lemon, lime and coconut.
For more information on juicing and my favorite juicer be sure to visit my Breville bje200xl review.
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